Dauntless fractal eyetooth
Dauntless fractal eyetooth

dauntless fractal eyetooth

You mean like a flying theater shield that’s normally used for ground bases? Interesting idea, although I imagine it greatly hampering fleet mobility and draining on the energy resources of the ship in question. Attempts to distance one’s company from the Core/KDY catalog whilst retaining (just) enough reactor space to seem competitive? That noted, between the Mon Cal/Quarren builders, Gallofree, Rendili & the *other* ROTJ blurs of debatable manufacture, I gotta wonder about the prevalence of ‘oblong teardrop’ as a hull design trend. For the sake of retaining the current -30 (and Dread, I guess), I’d be tempted to shoehorn in all three of that vid’s ships with different designations for the two ‘retcon’ types. Can’t say I buy that ‘Dreadnaught’ retro-revision unless it’s another Rendili product of pointedly different scale/role, though (fast transport? Scout?). Eric’s model certainly fixes the latter issue & even seems less spindly overall, though *two* conn-pods-on-diagonal-spars seem a bit much for anything corvette-scale. Perhaps the official-ish MC30’s lack of blister-itis could be chalked up to early/pre-Clone Wars design principles (that ‘Hull 721’ fic even compared it to a ‘baby Recusant’) & some overzealous ‘lighten at all costs’ order to compensate for the anemic thruster count/scale. Suppose it’s possible most of that was ex-Clone Wars materiel squirreled away in off-the-beaten-lane docks before the Imps locked down major yards, but talk about an under-explored transition. Sidenote: between that mid-construction Impstar in Solo, Fractal positing the Praetor class as a CEC design & the novel/game discussion here, I’m starting to get curious WRT where/when/what percentage of Corellian shipyard products wound up flying the Alliance flag. I’m a bit on the fence WRT how many Home One-ballpark ships you’d need to mob & hobble a Legator whilst flat-out losing only one in return, but the text strikes me as vague enough for some wiggle room (maybe it became another ‘concentrate all fire’ target?). Plus, based on a minute’s Googling it’d be damned hard to distinguish Dauntlesses or Bulwarks (‘specially the former) from most Mon Cals at extreme-eyestrain range. If we’re going to assume that the main communication ship was present for the battle as described in the novel, then we have to assume the presence of a lot of other things in the novel that were never even hinted at on-screen, and limiting the novelized battle strictly by what is seen in RotJ would require throwing a lot of the novel out.ĭecent exchange between you two-if anything, the presence of enough Rebel heavies to enable the golden-BB event chain of Executor’s death, even granted the boons of point-blank range and Palpy’s super-fettering ROE, tempts me to err toward ‘hey, maybe we never saw the *whole* of either fleet’. In fact, the only place where Mon Cal cruisers fit into the description of the Rebel Fleet at all is the general “man-o-wars,” whereas the Corellian portion of the fleet is said to be composed of “battleships, cruisers, destroyers, carriers bombers.” In fact, based on the novel, it would seem the majority of hulls in the Rebel fleet were Corellian, not Mon Cal. If, however, we are taking the novel itself at face value, then there was a lot more variety of ships available to the Alliance. At no point in the space battle of Endor did anything like it occur. But if we’re going solely by what we see on screen, then there was never a Pride of Tarlandia at all.

Dauntless fractal eyetooth